The Phono Project

Exploring the history of the groove

“Over the Rainbow” by Judy Garland


Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland is a song known for being featured in the Wizard of Oz. In the movie, Dorothy sings a song imagining how perfect life would be like away from bleak, old Kansas. She describes this place as “somewhere over the rainbow.” In reality, the song actually has political meaning. Since it was released around the time of the Great Depression, people needed a sliver of hope. The song represents Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal Project” that was proposed to get America out of the Depression. Originally, the song was supposed to be cut from the movie. MGM thought that it was too slow, and dragged the movie on. Now it is an iconic song from the movie that still has popularity and relevance today. When people hear the song, they automatically think of the little girl from Kansas, longing to be somewhere other than home.


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