What you’re listening to is Dance of the Reed Flutes, also referred to as Dance of the Mirlitons or Marzipan, from the iconic ballet, The Nutcracker. This ballad was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a Russian composer in 1892. His other ballets include, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, with The Nutcracker being his third and final, written just one year before the composer’s death. Tchaikovsky didn’t really want to create the music for The Nutcracker, and when the piece was complete he thought it did not live up to his previous ballet, Sleeping Beauty. Which is ironic since it is the most frequently performed ballet. Sadly the composer didn’t live long enough to see how his final ballet soared, touching many hearts to this day.

Katie is a freshman at Rowan University. She listens to any kind of music, and is always looking for new music to discover. In her free time, Katie loves to read, hang out with friends, and play with her dog.