In 1956 the song “Teenage Rock” came out with one of the best sax player around Red Prysock. This song was known for his awesome saxophone skills. Right here you can hear how great his sax playing really is. Tiny Bradshaw’s band were one of the first people to notice Red Prysock talent. Tiny Bradshaw would tell everyone how great he was at playing the saxophone. He automatically without even questioning it put him into their band as being their lead saxophonist. Coleman Hawkins another famous saxophone player said that Prysock was the best sax player around, even better than himself. Everyone in this world should get a taste of Red Prysock music. If you don’t you will be missing out on some legendary old fashioned music.

Hi my name is Lauren. I have a part time job at Walgreens in the pharmacy. I am a full time student at Rowan University. I major in Education with a dual major of American Studies/Writing Arts. I love my cat, Stormy. Whenever I have days off I like to go on adventures or just go anywhere fun. I love to travel especially to different countries. One of my hobbies is going to the gym, photography, and I love to paint. I love my family, they are one of the most important people in my life.