“Jimmie Revard and his Oklahoma Playboys published the country song “Oh! Swing it” in 1938 with the Bluebird label. It’s fun and upbeat and gets everyone off their feet. This song has a jazzy twist to it which makes you want to get up and “swing it.” This old timie country song is very different than the current form of country music we hear on the daily. There song is a blend of country, jazz, blues, and swing.
Strangely, the band gets their name from a former band, Bob Wills And His Texas Playboys which were quite famous in Oklahoma. Jimmie Revard was born in Oklahoma which his band gets their name from and ironically, they were popular in the San Antonio area. “
Amanda Marinello is an Elementary Education student attending Rowan University. She grew up living in Monmouth County, only fifteen minutes from the beach. She enjoys going to the beach at any hour of the day and listening to music. Marinello loves music, but is not musical herself. She constantly has music playing and is signing and dancing along, but this is not her forte. Marinello enjoys listening to all types of music, but her favorites are country and pop.