The Phono Project

Exploring the history of the groove

“Mr. Sandman” by The Chordettes

Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes, digitized from a 78rpm record

The Chordettes were a female acapella group in the 1950s. Lynn Evans, Carol Buschmann, Margie Latzo, and Janet Blayer are the voices heard in this popularized recorded version of Mr. Sandman, their most popular release of all time.

The songs lyrics are a profession to the classic mythical character Mr. Sandman. He is seen as a magical figure that can instantly put someone into a blissful sleep with wonderful dreams. The Chordettes plead for the Sandman to bring them their dream man, that is all they could want in the world.

Mostly acapella with some jazz instruments in the background, this track has become an American classic. It has been continuously used as part of the soundtrack in many popular films and tv shows.

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