Garry Moore was well known in the industry as a pioneer of comedic radio and television.The young high school dropout from Baltimore followed his passion and began hosting local radio shows. Soon after his debut, his witty intellect paved way for his own show with Jimmy Durante on the well known NBC Radio. One of the features of The Durante-Moore Show was a segment named Culture Club, which featured tracks like this one, where Moore would read from his own collection of random poems and stories. This comedic rant about cows and their many offerings to the world was the perfect escape for people dealing with the stress of everyday life during this time. In 1946, Moore re-released his work in a collection of 78 records, entitled Culture Corner. This was a display of some of his favorite pieces, including the hilarious “Ode to a Cow”.

Maranda is a Writing Arts and Emergency Management dual major at Rowan University. She holds a steady career at Build-a-Bear (until she graduates), then she hopes to attend the NJ State Police Academy, all while becoming a published author. In her free time she enjoys listening to all genres of music, reading, writing poetry, and watching 80s movies.