The Phono Project

Exploring the history of the groove

Sweet Little You by Belle Baker

You were listening to “Sweet Little You” by Belle Baker. The song can be quoted with sultry lyrics such as “I pity you, when I get you alone” and double innuendos such as  “Kiss you morn, noon and night, satisfy my appetite”. With such salacious undertones, one would expect the same for the B side of the record. But contrary to thought, the B side of this record included a much more critical narrative of the women who keep such lovers. The contradiction of the a vs b side is a coin flip that followed vocalist Belle Baker her entire career. Starting in the risque world of vaudeville, Belle’s beauty made her a hit. But when her talent outgrew the small time variety shows, she upgraded to broadway. While her year long run of Betsy, Baker recorded this and other records in 1926.

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