The masterpiece that you are listening to is called “I’ll be Seeing You.” It was written in 1938 by Sammy Fain and Irving Kahal for a comedy production called Right This Way, which was cancelled after only 15 episodes.
Six years later, this version of the song, by Bing Crosby, was recorded. During the first week of July 1944, it was deemed as the best track. It has since been recorded by over 50 additional artists including Frank Sinatra and Ray Charles. The song has also been and probably will continue to be featured in various different movies. Some of these include Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Aviator, and The Notebook.
During World War II, this song comforted those whose husbands were overseas fighting for their country, even though it was not intended to be a war song. It was even powerful enough to touch the royal family. When Queen Elizabeth’s Mother’s died in 2002, this song was rumored to be one of her husband’s favorite songs.

Brianna is currently at Junior at Rowan University. She is studying to get her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, and a minor in Writing Arts. Brianna enjoys listening to music in her free time, specifically rap, pop rock, and occasionally country. Brianna’s favorite artist is Eminem, although she has never seen him in concert. However, she has been to about 20 or so concerts in her lifetime. Some of the other things that Brianna enjoys doing in her spare time are cooking, hiking, kayaking, and painting/remodeling furniture.